Saturday, March 7, 2020

Latins 1st Conjugation Verbs

Latin's 1st Conjugation Verbs There are four  conjugations of Latin verbs that you need to learn to read or translate  Latin. In addition to the verbs of the 4 regular conjugations, there are also several irregular verbs. The Latin 1st conjugation verbs, like the Latin 1st declension nouns, are marked by an a as in amare. Noting this a (a thematic vowel) should help you to distinguish verbs of the first conjugation from those of the second, third, or fourth conjugations. Amare:To Love The infinitive (which we translate as to ...) ending for the first conjugation is -are. Note that there is no separate word to. The infinitive includes the sense of to within it. One of the difficulties of Latin is learning that there is often not a neat, one-to-one correspondence between words in English and Latin. The infinitive of the 1st conjugation verb. e.g., amare, translates into English as to love. The 4 principal parts of a 1st conjugation verb have the following endings: -o, -are, -avi, -atus. A typical verb is laudo praise, so its principal parts are: laudolaudarelaudavilaudatus. Infinitives Active Present - portare to carry, to be carryingPerfect - portavisse to have carriedFuture - portaturus esse to be about to carry, to be going to be carrying Passive Present - portari to be carriedPerfect - portatus esse to have been carriedFuture - portatum iri to be about to be carried, to be going to be carried, to be carried Participles Active Present - portans carryingFuture - portaturus about to carry Passive Perfect - portatus loved, having been carriedFuture - portandus to be carried Imperative Active Present - porta, portate (second person) Carry!Future - portato, portatote (second person)portato, portanto (third person) Passive Present - portare, portamini (second person) Be carried!Future - portator (second person singular)portator, portantor (third person)

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